Will South is an artist and art historian.

Will South has been an artist his entire life. From a tiny age, drawing made sense to him when little else did. Making images is his way of participating in the world. 

Will South is also an historian of American art with over fifty publications in the field. He received his doctorate from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in 1994 where he was awarded the Henry R. Luce Fellowship to support his dissertation which was published in 2001 as Color, Myth & Music: Stanton Macdonald-Wright and Synchromism. He is credited with writing several definitive studies in the field of American Impressionism, including California Impressionism for Abbeville Press, 1998; and Guy Rose: American Impressionist, 1995, for the Oakland Museum of California Art. His article, “The Unknown Henry Ossawa Tanner” for Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide was nominated for the American Art Museum Curators’ award for the outstanding scholarly article of the year.